Manage Intune Trusted Certificate Profile Expiration with PowerShell & Microsoft Graph

Manage Intune Trusted Certificate Profile Expiration with PowerShell & Microsoft Graph

How do you remind yourself to renew your CA root certificates / subordinate certificates? Do you set a calendar reminder? Did the person who set those reminders up forget to share them with the team and now is on holidays?

Fear not, for I have holiday gift for you - using nothing but PowerShell, we can interrogate our trusted certificate policies and, as if by magic, send out alerts when the attached certificates are about to expire!

6 minutes to read
Authenticate to Graph directly from PowerBI!

Authenticate to Graph directly from PowerBI!

Recently, one of my colleagues sent me a really cool Intune application patching report that they were working on and I wanted to see if I could make the data collection more automated / dynamic. Now, It’s been a LONG time since I’ve dipped my toes into the headache that is PowerBI, but once I see a challenge, it’s difficult for me to leave it alone…
6 minutes to read

Preparing custom image templates with Azure Image Builder & PowerShell

Azure Image Builder (AIB) is Microsoft’s solution to configure and customize virtual machine images. The concept of it is pretty great: Pick a reference image from the public market place, apply some customization built around HashiCorp’s Packer, hit build and what you are left with is a fully customized template image that can be hosted in Azure as a managed image or a VHD file.
6 minutes to read