Connecting a Local Kubernetes Cluster to Azure Using Azure Arc

Connecting a Local Kubernetes Cluster to Azure Using Azure Arc

Over the last few years, my focus at work has migrated away from Intune and device management to software engineering and the management of cloud native technologies.

This, to the surprise of no one, has been a steep learning curve. One of the big challenges I’ve faced is how to test and develop applications locally in an environment that mimics the production environments that the software will eventually run in.
7 minutes to read
Access Graph resources across tenants without secrets or certificates!

Access Graph resources across tenants without secrets or certificates!

Microsoft has recently announced a new feature that allows us to use managed identities to authenticate across tenants. This is a big deal, and opens up a new secure way of managing multiple tenants in Azure.

One of the biggest security concerns facing developers today is credential leakage and features like this help alleviate the risk of potentially leaving secrets in source control by removing the need for them entirely!

In this post I’ll show you how to set this up to authenticate to a second tenant in an Azure function app, and how to use it to call the Microsoft Graph API!
10 minutes to read
Manage Intune Trusted Certificate Profile Expiration with PowerShell & Microsoft Graph

Manage Intune Trusted Certificate Profile Expiration with PowerShell & Microsoft Graph

How do you remind yourself to renew your CA root certificates / subordinate certificates? Do you set a calendar reminder? Did the person who set those reminders up forget to share them with the team and now is on holidays?

Fear not, for I have holiday gift for you - using nothing but PowerShell, we can interrogate our trusted certificate policies and, as if by magic, send out alerts when the attached certificates are about to expire!

6 minutes to read