Authenticate to Graph in Azure Functions with Managed Identites (Part 1)
When creating Azure Functions, there has always been a way to create and use “managed identities” to securely and simply access resources within the resource group that the function app resides.
With a little bit of PowerShell and a basic understanding of how API permissions are programmatically applied, we can use the managed identity to access Graph without needing to store credentials anywhere! Secure AND cool, right?
Manage Intune Trusted Certificate Profile Expiration with PowerShell & Microsoft Graph
How do you remind yourself to renew your CA root certificates / subordinate certificates? Do you set a calendar reminder? Did the person who set those reminders up forget to share them with the team and now is on holidays?
Fear not, for I have holiday gift for you - using nothing but PowerShell, we can interrogate our trusted certificate policies and, as if by magic, send out alerts when the attached certificates are about to expire!
Create advanced dynamic groups with PowerShell & Azure Functions
I’ve never been entirely happy with dynamic groups in Intune. The primary reason for this boils down to two primary issues:
- The time it takes to analyze the dynamic group rules is nowhere near fast enough.
- The available properties available for dynamic group rules are limited to the data available in AAD - not Intune.