Access Graph resources across tenants without secrets or certificates!

Access Graph resources across tenants without secrets or certificates!

Microsoft has recently announced a new feature that allows us to use managed identities to authenticate across tenants. This is a big deal, and opens up a new secure way of managing multiple tenants in Azure.

One of the biggest security concerns facing developers today is credential leakage and features like this help alleviate the risk of potentially leaving secrets in source control by removing the need for them entirely!

In this post I’ll show you how to set this up to authenticate to a second tenant in an Azure function app, and how to use it to call the Microsoft Graph API!
10 minutes to read
Authenticate to Graph in Azure Functions with Managed Identites (Part 1)

Authenticate to Graph in Azure Functions with Managed Identites (Part 1)

When creating Azure Functions, there has always been a way to create and use “managed identities” to securely and simply access resources within the resource group that the function app resides.

With a little bit of PowerShell and a basic understanding of how API permissions are programmatically applied, we can use the managed identity to access Graph without needing to store credentials anywhere! Secure AND cool, right?

7 minutes to read
Authenticate to Graph directly from PowerBI!

Authenticate to Graph directly from PowerBI!

Recently, one of my colleagues sent me a really cool Intune application patching report that they were working on and I wanted to see if I could make the data collection more automated / dynamic. Now, It’s been a LONG time since I’ve dipped my toes into the headache that is PowerBI, but once I see a challenge, it’s difficult for me to leave it alone…
6 minutes to read